
How To Apply

1. After reading the school description carefully, please read the school guidelines

2. Provide a medical certificate from your family doctor, confirming your good physical and mental health. Scan the document in JPG or PNG format, in order to upload it to the Application Form.

3. Part of our selection process is based on the quality of the information you provide in the application, related to your:

  • Conversion experience
  • Christ centeredness
  • Mission involvement
  • Academic results
  • Accomplishments (any)
  • Church involvement…

4. … and the assignments listed below:

  • Record a 5 min video where you will talk about any of the 6 topics above (upload the video to your google drive/dropbox or similar account and add the link in the Application Form)
  • Read the book Steps to Christ, by Ellen White, and write, for each chapter, a paragraph about your reflections/observations, using your own words. (try to fit it on 2-3 A4 pages). Save it as a PDF or Word Document, in order to upload it to the Application Form.
  • Organize a mission outreach event with your church and give us a report of the following: what the event was about, how many church members were involved, how many guests attended, how they benefitted, what part you played in the program. Save it as Word Document and upload it with the Application Form.

5.Fill out the following Application Form and complete the English Test.

6.Send the Reference Form link to your pastor, local church elder, family member and friend. Ask them to complete it and submit.

7.Once all the previous steps are completed, make an appointment for a 3 to 7-day visit to our school (if possible). During this time, you will actively participate in the school’s daily program. You will also have to present a devotional class from 7 am -7:50 am. (We will be observing your approach to public speaking, your research work on the topic of your choice and how you engage your audience). Please bring the appropriate clothing for classes and for the work program (gardening, cleaning). We will schedule an interview with you, at the end of the visit.

8.Those who cannot visit, please schedule a video appointment for an interview.

9.Our final decision about your application will be sent to you, within the month following your interview.

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